
Viber App – How To Permanently Exit & Leave Group

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Article Updated: 05 Feb 2021

Groups should not be confused with individual conversations. When you delete individual conversation, other side will not know about this, naturally. However, groups are different, because there are more than 2 participants and depending on which Viber app version you run, notifications will or will not be shown about your departure.
Update: In latest Viber versions (8.0+) when you exit the group there is no longer auto message notification shown in the chat notifying others that you left the group. However, at the top where all group participant names are listed your name will be (silently) missing, along your profile image in the group icon, so others may notice it.
Update: In latest Viber versions (13.0+ or 14.0+) when you exit the group auto message notification shown in the chat notifying others that you left the group is apparently back again.

Viber (and WhatsApp) are THE APPS of modern day technology to communicate with your friends, colleagues and family. THE END.

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Another cool feature in their recent developments are Groups where you can add as many Contacts to the list, so that you can send and receive messages that everyone in that “circle” can see. It is actually a great way to arrange group meetings, discuss various topics with multiple persons in real-time.

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However, sometimes , someone can abuse it and just poke around with you, constantly adding you to their Group(s), that you currently do not wish to participate, or simply don’t have time for.


STEP 1: Touch & Hold on desired Group and press Trash/Bin/Delete icon to delete it:

Viber Groups 2019-01 – How To Permanently Leave Stop Receiving Messages STEP 1

STEP 2: select Delete chat option:

Viber Groups 2019-01 – How To Permanently Leave Stop Receiving Messages STEP 2

STEP 3: Instead of regular Delete and Leave option, you may use MUTE option to spare yourself from future trouble:

Viber Groups – How To Permanently Leave & Stop Receiving Messages – STEP 3

Once the Group is “secretly” muted, you will stop any new conversation updates from the future, no more new messages notifications, but it will still be in your active Chats list. It is not a perfect solution, but at least, they will not be able to re-add you again, because you have not technically left.

Viber 10 – How To Snooze (Mute) Group

In newer versions of Viber app (10.0+) — Mute chat option is only accessible from swipe menu (from right to left), right under Group title/name and RECENT Media. MUTE is no longer present when touch & hold on the group itself in the chats list. Instead of regular permanent MUTE, option is now replaced with Snooze for 30 days and move to the bottom of active conversations option. Principle is the same, except, if someone ‘pokes’ you directly with @yourname handle in group conversation — you will receive active notification in that case.

Also, if you have good friends of yours in that group, and you care about potential hurt feelings, this is an awesome alternative for “permanent” leave ;)

Alternatively, you can quickly access Group options menu while inside Group read mode by sliding the screen to the left to open hidden app menu from the right:

Viber App Groups – How To MUTE Group from Sidebar Slide Menu

Group MUTE option is great, because if you are at school or work, you will not be notified by sound or message previews, but in the end of the day you can return to it and catch-up with what you’ve missed.

There is also one more thing to think about: if you later change your mind and decide to re-join, only the author (administrator of the group) can add you back. So, be thoughtful… MUTE may not be such a bad option after all! :)

Of course, you can decide to delete it and permanently leave:

Viber App Groups – How To LEAVE Group from Sidebar Slide Menu


Another really awesome feature in recent Viber app versions is the option to make a secret chat. In another words, you can hide particular conversation or a group with a secret PIN code that only you will know.

In order to hide a particular chat, first you have to long-press on it (tap & hold). Once the pop-up window is in front, select Hide chat from the available options:

Viber App – How To Make A Secret Chat 1

Enter / Set secret PIN code: (friendly reminder: do not forget the PIN code!!!)

Viber App – How To Make A Secret Chat 2 Set Pin Code

Once you hide the chat from the regular conversations view, it will be completely invisible to anyone, even if they access your phone and open Viber app. In order to access it again, you must first tap on magnifier / loupe / search icon and type-in the secret PIN code to view it:

Viber App – How To Make A Secret Chat 3 How To Reveal And Access Secret Chat

In case you forget your PIN code, Viber has an option to RESET it, however, at the cost of deleting all currently hidden/secret text messages and media! So, if you care about them, don’t forget the precious code in the first place! On the other hand, this is a great security feature, if someone unlocks your phone and tries to access hidden chats.

In any case, this is another cool alternative to permanently deleting and leaving Viber Groups!


Follow these instructions to delete and leave Viber group on your desktop / laptop PC:

1. right-click on your group in the left panel (where your chats are listed)

2. select Leave and Delete option from the menu

How To Leave Viber Group In Desktop App #1

3. Click on Leave button and you are gone!

How To Leave Viber Group In Desktop App #2


In case you see promotional groups and offers from Viber’s Partners, it is not clear at the moment if you can opt-out from them, as there are no clear options available in the Settings page. However, restricting your Privacy options and disabling Content personalization might help:

Viber Personal Data Privacy Settings