
PayPal Accidently Double Charged – Double Withdraw Request

PayPal Accidently Double Charged – Double Withdraw Request

ARTICLE WARNING: This article may not be valid anymore, since PayPal redesigned their website recently. I am not sure if the new design withdraw button suffers from the same problem as the old one was. I am certainly not going to test it out :) Oh, my! Just when you least expect to have an […]

Google Chrome: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘getCurrent’ of undefined

Google Chrome: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘getCurrent’ of undefined

AUTHOR’s NOTE: This article is kept for historical & educational purposes only. Moral of the story is: if you receive strange javascript errors in your console log while working on a project, try first disabling all Google Chrome extensions and verify that errors are no longer occurring. When you see a puzzling error which you […]

Google Chrome: missing jquery.qtip.min.map file explained

Google Chrome: missing jquery.qtip.min.map file explained

explaining and solving the problem with qtip missing map file / jquery.qtip.min.map not found Are you a Web Developer? Did you notice recently when you start Dev Console (F12 or CTRL+SHIFT+I or right click on any page and choose ‘Inspect Element’) a missing jQuery component jquery.qtip.min.map file? And you are puzzled because your entire web project does not use qtip library […]