WordPress Debug Notice: Notice: add_submenu_page was called incorrectly

WordPress Debug Notice: Notice: add_submenu_page was called incorrectly

In newer WordPress versions there might be introduced incompatibility with older plugins. If you have debugging enabled by default, these notices might fill-up your PHP error logs and give you certain level of anxiety and discomfort. How To Fix: WordPress Debug Notice: Notice: add_submenu_page was called incorrectly Your PHP error log might look something like […]

Ubuntu 16.04 Tutorial – How To Manually Upgrade PHP Version

Ubuntu 16.04 Tutorial – How To Manually Upgrade PHP Version

Ubuntu LTS Server is widely used in many VPS and Dedicated hosting environments. However, it comes with now obsolete PHP 7.0.x branch version, and many web applications software, including WordPress, cannot properly run on it because of security and performance issues. In fact, WordPress already gives you a warning that PHP Requires Update in Admin […]

How To Create Simple HTML VIDEO files Download Page?

How To Create Simple HTML VIDEO files Download Page?

Recently, I had some important family events (holidays, birthday and New Year parties) with lots of videos recorded in 4k, many exceeding 180 seconds limit you can easily share via Viber app or WhatsApp and similar and it’s not always practical or desirable to share all of them on social networks like Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo […]