Benchmark Social Share Widgets vs Website Loading Speed

Benchmark Social Share Widgets vs Website Loading Speed

How much does a social widget affect website loading speed? Will visitors of a website notice any difference with and without social like buttons and share widgets, such as Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus? How does Google PageSpeed score change with plugins and widgets enabled? Does it affect a website loading speed in any negative […]

Google Webmaster Tools Data Aggregation Processing Delay

Google Webmaster Tools Data Aggregation Processing Delay

Article Updated: December 15, 2018 Google Webmaster Tools (along the Google Analytics) are irreplaceable set of useful data resource when it comes to website management and analysis. However, there is one annoying thing about it: Google analytics data delay and Google Webmaster Tools data delay, and you may regularly see the message in webmaster tools for […]

Are you running Stats and FLAG Counters on your BLOG? Here’s why…

…you shouldn’t. Think before you act BLOG Visitor Counters and their close relatives FLAG Counters are very attractive blog widgets. At least, they were at a time I was starting my small blog. However, most people are unaware of their potential drawbacks. You might reconsider embedding that flashy FLAG COUNTER before it is too late. Seems that […]