Operating Systems

Microsoft Windows 10 – How To Search & Find All Files within Directory

Microsoft Windows 10 – How To Search & Find All Files within Directory

Microsoft’s Windows 10 is getting spread like a flu these days. According to our internal stats, it already has around 27% market share of all the visitors who are running any flavor of Windows. However, users who are jumped to the wagon will most probably encounter at least one or two things that do not […]

How To Disable Windows 10 Free Upgrade Notification?

How To Disable Windows 10 Free Upgrade Notification?

Article Update Please, note that Microsoft continuously re-releases old & new updates regarding free Windows 10 upgrade notifications in the meantime, including much deeper integration with other “bug fixes”, practically making it impossible or extremely hard to permanently hide Windows 10 Upgrade notifications. The best thing we did on one of our older computers was […]



Have you recently encountered this error? Do you wonder why it happens on some websites in Google Chrome browser? And why it works on Firefox? ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH This error occurs only in websites which use SSL encryption and HTTPS secure protocol for access and information exchange (e.g. when URL address starts with https://example.com and you notice […]