Web Development

PHP 7.1 Warnings: Illegal String Offset + Cannot Assign Empty String To String Offset (working fine in PHP 7.0 and lower)

PHP 7.1 Warnings: Illegal String Offset + Cannot Assign Empty String To String Offset (working fine in PHP 7.0 and lower)

This was a simple question, but googling couldn’t lead me to a clear and proper answer. So, here’s the answer/fix/solution as a personal reminder and potential help to others. I had a strange and annoying problem while updating to PHP 7.1 — everything was working fine, except this little piece of code: $array = $something; […]

PHP Debug And Test Your Code Against Different PHP Versions – PHP Version Change Tips

PHP Debug And Test Your Code Against Different PHP Versions – PHP Version Change Tips

As a developer, you probably require different PHP versions that you can easily change at a click of a button, and to run tests of your code base and simulate different server environments. Problem arises when your hosting offers only selected minor versions (e.g. 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1 etc.), but […]

How To Test/Debug Responsive Website Design with jQuery

How To Test/Debug Responsive Website Design with jQuery

Article updated: 2018 Dec 30 This is NOT another simple jQuery browser window resizer tool you might expect! Google Website PageSpeed Insights Tools recently went through a serious change. Google dropped the mobile responsive design test, and left only the speed test section. The Mobile Friendly Test was moved (merged) into Webmasters Tools Mobile Usability […]