
Google New Logo – G is for Google

Google New Logo – G is for Google

Google is currently undergoing corporate structural change, with Alphabet and all, however, one unexpected thing happened on September, 1st. NEW GOOGLE LOGO! Yup, fresh & brand new one. One could say this was a bit expected, given the big news few weeks ago, however, I was personally left surprised. I mean, Google is such a strong […]



Have you recently encountered this error? Do you wonder why it happens on some websites in Google Chrome browser? And why it works on Firefox? ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH This error occurs only in websites which use SSL encryption and HTTPS secure protocol for access and information exchange (e.g. when URL address starts with and you notice […]

Google Mobile-Friendly Responsive Design As A Ranking Signal

Google Mobile-Friendly Responsive Design As A Ranking Signal

GOOGLE INTRODUCES MOBILE-FRIENDLY RESPONSIVE DESIGN AS A RANKING SIGNAL On April 21st 2015. Google decided to roll-out another ranking signal in it’s search ranking algorithm — check here complete Google Search Algorithm Timeline Mobile usability was a hot topic in website design area for couple of years now. Various approaches and solutions exists to cover web for emerging mobile technologies and […]