Microsoft Windows 10 – How To Remove Microsoft Apps?

Windows 10 – How To Uninstall Microsoft Apps?

With every major Microsoft Windows 10 Update all “important” listed apps below (e.g. News, Money, People, Xbox, Mobile Plans and few new titles) will be RESTORED in your Windows computer and re-listed as Recently Installed apps in the Start menu! You will have to repeat this procedure every time Microsoft chooses to do so unless you disable automatic updates.

Windows 10 comes with a bunch of apps nobody will ever use, because Microsoft is desperately pushing many things into their latest OS, trying hard to establish domination in social and creative areas that were long time ago taken by other smart(er) companies.

Microsoft Windows 10

Microsoft Windows 10

With latest Microsoft Windows 10 creative update, you will notice a bunch of new apps installed on your device, and some of them restored even if you removed them long time ago using this very same procedure.

Here’s a short list, just to name a few:

  • Microsoft Wallet
  • Messaging
  • Windows Store
  • Sticky Notes
  • GetHelp
  • Sports
  • Sway
  • Xbox
  • Movies & TV
  • Money
  • Maps
  • Your Phone


How To Remove Microsoft Windows 10 Apps – STEP BY STEP TUTORIAL

Run PowerShell as Administrator:

(search icon) > type Windows PowerShell then right-click and select “Run as administrator” and confirm with “Yes”

Microsoft Windows 10 PowerShell - How To Run

Microsoft Windows 10 PowerShell – How To Start


Once you are inside a PowerShell (looks like ordinary terminal, with distinctive blue background), type command:

get-appxpackage | select name, packagefullname

This command will list all your currently installed/available packages in your system. Remember, it is important to get the package FULL NAME or you can try with wildcards before and/or after partial package name (example: *keyword*).

Here’s an example list:

Microsoft Windows 10 PowerShell - Get List Of All Installed Microsoft Apps

Microsoft Windows 10 PowerShell – Get List Of All Installed Microsoft Apps


Once we have all our Microsoft package names, we can cherry-pick those of special interest and remove them (uninstall) with the following command:

get-appxpackage Type-Here-Package-Full-Name | remove-appxpackage

Microsoft Windows 10 PowerShell - Fail To Remove

Microsoft Windows 10 PowerShell – Fail To Remove

Notes / Warnings:

  1. With recent updates, some packages cannot be removed using this method (such as *xbox* for example).
  2. Commands are case-insensitive. You can use ALL CAPS, camelCase or lowercase, it doesn’t matter!
  3. You can use star * wildcards in front or after specific/common keyword to remove all related packages.




Uninstall/Remove 3D Builder:

get-appxpackage *3dbuilder* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Alarms & Clock:

get-appxpackage *alarms* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove App Connector:

get-appxpackage *appconnector* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove App Installer:

get-appxpackage *appinstaller* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Calendar + Mail apps:

get-appxpackage *communicationsapps* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Calculator:

get-appxpackage *calculator* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Camera:

get-appxpackage *camera* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Feedback Hub:

get-appxpackage *feedback* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Get Help:

get-appxpackage *GetHelp* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Get Office:

get-appxpackage *officehub* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Get Started or Tips:

get-appxpackage *getstarted* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Get Skype:

get-appxpackage *skypeapp* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Groove Music:

get-appxpackage *zunemusic* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Groove Music + Movies & TV apps:

get-appxpackage *zune* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Maps:

get-appxpackage *maps* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Messaging + Skype Video apps:

get-appxpackage *messaging* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Microsoft Solitaire Collection:

get-appxpackage *solitaire* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Microsoft Wallet:

get-appxpackage *wallet* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Microsoft Wi-Fi:

get-appxpackage *connectivitystore* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Money:

get-appxpackage *bingfinance* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Money + News + Sports + Weather apps:

get-appxpackage *bing* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Movies & TV:

get-appxpackage *zunevideo* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove News:

get-appxpackage *bingnews* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove OneNote:

get-appxpackage *onenote* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Paid Wi-Fi & Cellular:

get-appxpackage *oneconnect* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Paint 3D:

get-appxpackage *mspaint* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove People:

get-appxpackage *people* | remove-appxpackage

Note: People package can no longer be removed using this simple command method, as it is now integrated with the Windows 10 core. Thank you, Microsoft!

Use below screenshot to locate Taskbar settings page and turn-off icon manually.

Windows 10 How To Hide People Icon From Taskbar

Windows 10 How To Hide People Icon From Taskbar

Uninstall/Remove Phone:

get-appxpackage *commsphone* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Phone Companion:

get-appxpackage *windowsphone* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Your Phone App:

get-appxpackage microsoft.YourPhone -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage

Uninstall/Remove Phone related apps:

get-appxpackage *phone* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Photos:

get-appxpackage *photos* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Sports:

get-appxpackage *bingsports* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Sticky Notes:

get-appxpackage *sticky* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Sway:

get-appxpackage *sway* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove View 3D:

get-appxpackage *3d* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Voice Recorder:

get-appxpackage *soundrecorder* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Weather:

get-appxpackage *bingweather* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Windows Holographic:

get-appxpackage *holographic* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Windows Store:

get-appxpackage *windowsstore* | remove-appxpackage

Uninstall/Remove Xbox:

get-appxpackage *xbox* | remove-appxpackage

Note: Xbox package(s) can no longer be removed using this simple command method, as it is now integrated with the Windows 10 core.



    1 Comment

    Add Your Comment
  2. 1. hans

    should be a script that`s taken care of al the not wanted or simply for the gross of humanity not very usefull and only cluttering apps to remove fast and with ease

    or better yet should ms not make a slim version of win 10 that can be configured tailor made after your wished instead of plundered by updates full of capatalistic commercial crap that nobody actual want and only create greedy people destroying our planet?

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