
WordPress Security – How To Hide WordPress Meta Generator Version Info

WordPress Security – How To Hide WordPress Meta Generator Version Info

NOTE / WARNING: This is not a true “security” measure and “protection” in any way, that you should rely upon! Security through obscurity is just hiding problems under the carpet, not solving them. It may buy you some time until you perform a full upgrade, but you should definitely not avoid regular security updates at […]

WordPress Add-Edit Post: Visual and Text issue in Chrome

WordPress Add-Edit Post: Visual and Text issue in Chrome

Today we have noticed something strange in our WordPress admin dashboard panel, while trying to edit and update an old post. Visual and Text buttons from the editor were missing / disappeared! WordPress Add-Edit Post: Visual and Text buttons missing in Google Chrome browser Here is what it looked like: And here is how it should normally appear: The […]

OpCache + APCu + Static HTML Cache Server Performance Benchmark

OpCache + APCu + Static HTML Cache Server Performance Benchmark

OpCache + APCu + Static HTML Cache – Server Performance Benchmark We got cheap Apache VPS server and performed analysis of a common CMS system performance under various cache setups. We wanted to determine how the server performs under plain setup, as well as with the help of bytecode caching with ZEND OpCache, along the […]