Komodo 9.3 vs Stockfish 7 Chess Engine Tournament (64-bit single-core CPU benchmark)
It has been a while since we published an article about two top chess engines tournament in the world in 64-bit dual-core single-CPU arena on Windows 7 x64 setup. Today, we present our latest test results under Windows 8.1 64-bit architecture / single-CPU dual-core environment: komodo-9.3-64bit.exe and stockfish-7-64.exe chess engines, respectively.
FIXED TIME RESULTS (3 seconds/move)
Download results table as image file (PNG format)
Rank | Engine | Score | StockFish 7 | Komodo 9.3 | SB |
1 | Stockfish 7 stockfish-7-64.exe |
49.0/80 61% |
10==01=101=====1==1= 0====01=01==11111101 =====10====1==1===== =1=1==11==01===111=1 |
1519 | |
2 | Komodo 9.3 komodo-9.3-64bit.exe |
31.0/80 39% |
01==10=010=====0==0= 1====10=10==00000010 =====01====0==0===== =0=0==00==10===000=0 |
1519 |
* SB = Sonneborn Berger score
0 … loss (0 points)
= … draw (0,5 points)
1 … win (1 point)
Total Games Played: 80 (80 games between each engine / total of 80 games per engine)
Maximum Theoretical Score: 80 points (80 wins)
Level: 3 seconds per move (fixed time)
Books: None
Ponder: OFF
Hash Table Size: 512 MB (per engine)
Komodo 9 Table Memory Size: 128 MB
Hardware: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU J1800 @ 2.41GHz with 1,9 GB Memory
Operating System: Windows 8.1 Connected Home Edition (Build 9200) 64 bit
Not much of a surprise here. Stockfish 7 continued its domination and again triumphed over updated Komodo 9.3. We were expecting this result, after our 64-bit tournament test last time. In contrast to our earlier benchmark, where Stockfish 6 won by a closer margin, this time it completely wiped the floor with the latest Komodo 9.3.
Here is another tournament representation with table and chart analysis data. It will give you a little more insight into how the tournament has progressed over time (click on image thumbnail to enlarge):
Above table shows score progress per each engine in 5-games steps. Think about it as a collection of 5-games mini-tournaments. Right-Top chart displays total points accumulated over each 5 games. Right-Bottom chart displays relative score gains over each successive 5 games.
TOURNAMENT TIME RESULTS (40 moves/2 minutes)
Download results table as image file (PNG format)
Rank | Engine | Score | Komodo 9.3 | Stockfish 7 | SB |
1 | Stockfish 7 stockfish-7-64.exe |
22.0/40 55% |
1====110=0=====011== 1===0100=1==0==111== |
396 | |
2 | Komodo 9.3 komodo-9.3-64bit.exe |
18.0/40 45% |
0====001=1=====100== 0===1011=0==1==000== |
396 |
* SB = Sonneborn Berger score
0 … loss (0 points)
= … draw (0,5 points)
1 … win (1 point)
Total Games Played: 40 (40 games between each engine / total of 40 games per engine)
Maximum Theoretical Score: 40 points (40 wins)
Level: 40/2 [40 moves in 2 minutes, loop]
Books: None
Ponder: OFF
Hash Table Size: 512 MB (per engine)
Komodo 9 Table Memory Size: 128 MB
Hardware: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU J1800 @ 2.41GHz with 1,9 GB Memory
Operating System: Windows 8.1 Connected Home Edition (Build 9200) 64 bit
Komodo 9.3 was constantly behind Stockfish 7 throughout entire tournament, with one anomaly point – at final five games (#36 – #40) Stockfish 7 has managed to score even higher against it (4:1). However, the difference here is far less drastic as in the fixed time tournament mode, and Komodo managed to keep the pace at the same level, despite the overall score.
Again, here is another tournament representation with table and chart analysis data. It will give you a little more insight into how the tournament has progressed over time (click on image thumbnail to enlarge):

TehnoBlog.org – Tournament 4 – StockFish 7 vs Komodo 9.3 x64 40-2 Variable Time – Table & Chart Data
Above table shows score progress per each engine in 5-games steps. Think about it as a collection of 5-games mini-tournaments. Right-Top chart displays total points accumulated over each 5 games. Right-Bottom chart displays relative score gains over each successive 5 games.
Well, we have a clear winner this time, without a doubt. Stockfish 7 regained it’s No.1 position in our tests, and deserved the new version number absolutely. It is even more powerful than the previous iteration (Stockfish 6), obviously more optimized to use available resources.
Again, as a warranty, keep in mind that this tournament represents results on a specific test-system, comprised of hardware, operating system and different software revisions. Results may be completely different on other systems/computers, most importantly depending on architecture, numbers of CPUs and cores, as we have shown so far.
To stand to our claims and increase the credibility of the article, we provide a PGN files of the entire tournament for download (files can be opened with Notepad or similar text editor, or imported in chess clients): StockFish 7 vs Komodo 9.3 Chess Engine Tournament x64 (click to download zip archive).
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